Announcing A New Contextual Data Solution For Brand Suitability and Transparency Across CTV

When we recently conducted a survey of U.S. consumers and asked about how they watch video content, only 25% of U.S. consumers believed that they’d have a cable or satellite TV subscription in the next few years. So where are these consumers watching video content? For many, the answer is Connected TV platforms. In fact, eMarketer’s recent report on Advanced TV shows that 67.8% of the U.S. population will be CTV users in 2023, while linear TV viewership continues to show signs of decline.
However, while the Connected TV ecosystem is rapidly attracting more audience eyeballs and advertiser dollars, advertisers still struggle with a handful of challenges in the space. One big challenge for advertisers is the lack of transparency regarding where their CTV ads actually run. While CTV content is generally considered very brand safe, this lack of transparency makes it difficult for advertisers to understand the suitability of the content their ads ran against.
To help advertisers solve this challenge, we’re incredibly excited to announce that we’re bringing the industry’s leading brand suitability solution for YouTube to Connected TV.
With our new contextual data solution for brand suitability, advertisers can get more transparency into where their ads are running on CTV platforms, and understand the suitability and contextual relevance of that content.
Our CTV brand suitability solution is powered by video-level data from our partnership with Iris.tv and other relevant data partners. Frame by frame analysis of a CTV show analyzed with our proprietary machine learning technology enables our solution to categorize content according to IAB tiers, and according to the Global Alliance for Responsible Media’s safety and suitability framework. While the vast majority of CTV content is considered very safe for brand advertising, our approach to contextual transparency ensures advertisers can plan and measure the suitability of where their ads run on where their ads run.
Want to learn more about how our new contextual data solution for CTV can provide insight into your CTV strategies? Contact us to set up a demo.