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Pixability’s Inclusive Media Initiative
Join Pixability in our mission to help creators from all communities tell their stories
What is the Inclusive Media Initiative?
In recent years, brands have increasingly recognized the importance of supporting diverse, inclusive, and equitable marketing practices to show commitment to advocacy and to reach audiences across all communities. With the Inclusive Media Initiative, Pixability is on a mission to help connect brands with diverse creators and drive measurable and sustainable equity through media opportunities.

What’s different about the IMI?
Pixability’s network puts the creators at the center. While other DEI solutions assume the identity of a creator based on perceived appearances, Pixability asks each of our creators to self-identify which communities they belong to and which communities they support with their content. As a result, we build IMI Community Inclusion Lists, making it easier than ever for brands to make intentional media investments that support corporate values and DEI investment goals.
With your help, we can pave the way for inclusive media plans that embrace our diverse world. Join us as we shift the conversation from exclusion to inclusion.