Pixability Co-Authors Definitive Book on Video Marketing

Explosive growth of online video on YouTube drives demand for actionable results

Cambridge, MA—May 2, 2012—Pixability, Inc., the leading provider and innovator of video marketing software, today announced the general availability of Video Marketing For Dummies, part of the world’s bestselling reference series, For Dummies, a branded imprint of Wiley. The publication of the book coincides with the dramatic rise in the business use of YouTube, including 3400% growth over the past four years.

Success with online video, especially on YouTube, is no accident,” said Bettina Hein, CEO of Pixability and co-author of Video Marketing for Dummies. “Having worked with a extensive range of customers with online video—startups, Fortune 500 companies, agencies, non-profits, educational institutions, technology companies, and major entertainers—we distilled our experience into a book that would be valuable to both new practitioners and experienced digital marketers alike.”

Video Marketing for Dummies is organized into five major sections that represent the entire video marketing lifecycle:

 Creating Effective Marketing Videos. Explores the different uses of video marketing in business and describes the benefits and opportunities. Business video must drive business results.

Preparing for Production. Explains how to budget for video production, assess resources, and manage legal and copyright issues. Video economics is now quite promising.

Shooting Your Video. Lays out all the steps necessary for a video shoot. This is important whether you’re creating your own video assets or working with a professional production company.

Editing and Polishing Your Video. Explains elements of the editing process, along with adding other audio and visual effects. This is nearly as important as the quality of the content.

Posting and Promoting Your Video. Describes how to get viewers and make them take action. This section includes effective YouTube management, search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, and using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

“Video is by far the fastest growing form of online marketing, growing over 70% a year,” said Andreas Goeldi, CTO of Pixability and co-author of Video Marketing For Dummies. “As businesses invest in video, particularly on YouTube, video marketing becomes as important as video production, especially given the growth numbers.”

Video Marketing For Dummies is available for purchase online and from all major booksellers in both print and ebook formats.  

About Pixability

Pixability is a video marketing company that helps organizations get the right video in front of the right audience to trigger the right action. With its powerful, cloud-based online video marketing software and consulting expertise, Pixability helps organizations drive more business and increase awareness with online video, especially for YouTube. With its complimentary Online Video Grader, Pixability uses data-driven criteria to measure video marketing effectiveness on the web, on YouTube, and in social media. For more information on making online video perform, please visit www.pixability.klikz.us.