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Meet the Pixers - Matt Goynes

Courtney Colonna
Courtney Colonna
July 21, 2023

Meet the Pixers is our blog series where we introduce you to the talented folks who make our company a success. Today, we’re featuring Matt Goynes, our VP, Sales.

Tell us a little bit about your background: 

I’m originally from Louisiana but have been raised in Texas most of my life. I spent a few years at Texas A&M on the Aggie Water ski team which eventually led me to finishing my BBA and MBA in Marketing and Strategic Management at The University of Texas at Arlington. Since then I’ve spent roughly 20 years in the digital marketing and media space across agency, brand, and sales side roles.

What is the last thing you watched on YouTube? 

I watch a ton of YouTube Shorts, I find the short format to be a smaller commitment of my time and also enjoy the variety of it. Besides shorts, I watched the Mr Beast video of him crashing a train into a massive pothole.

What is the best career advice you have ever received? 

“It’s just business, don’t take it personal.” When I first heard this, I thought this was a really harsh statement because I took everything in my career personal. That’s before I could separate being passionate about something and working hard at my job while maintaining my emotions. Businesses and jobs will come and go, but only you can control your own emotions and whether or not to take something personal. Let me tell you, your quality of life once you stop taking business personal will be so much better.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career? 

Be unapologetically yourself, don’t ever be insincere or fake. Your word and your brand is all you have in this world, don’t break it for anyone. Not everyone is going to like your flavor of ice cream… and that’s OK.