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Introducing GenAI Contextual Segments for YouTube advertising

Gaming Across Social Video

Bring your advertising to the next level with Pixability's gaming study

Chris Compean By Pixability
December 7, 2023

Did you know that mobile gaming occupies only 4.3% of the total gaming space on YouTube, but this small segment still accounts for more than 60B views?
The gaming community has developed a rich and engaged community across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch. Our analysts took a deep dive into the gaming category to understand what gamers are watching, and which leading brands and creators are achieving peak video performance.
Gaming is a truly massive category across social video, clocking in at 1.5T views on YouTube alone. But the top gaming brands capture a mere 1% of the total views on the platform, indicating that there’s a significant opportunity for brands to invest in sophisticated cross-platform video ad strategies to stand out in this vast space.
Here’s a taste of what we uncovered:

  • The top ten gaming creators attract 8X more views and 15X more engagements than the top ten gaming brands. However, brand advertisers have an opportunity to adopt creator best practices to better engage their target audiences, such as publishing long-form, made-for-digital content.
  • While the gaming audience on Facebook skews toward young men, there’s a significant viewership of women on the platform — in fact, 21% of all gaming-related interactions on Facebook are from women.
  • In 2016 alone, gamers watched more than 10B livestreaming videos on YouTube, and Pixability projects that live gaming content will attract 12.8B views in 2017 — making it an effective way for marketers to cut through the noise.

Armed with this analysis, brand marketers will be better equipped to reach and engage the gamers that matter most to them, all while maximizing the impact of their cross-platform investment.
Download the highlights of Pixability’s gaming study now. For even more insights into how to better connect with gaming audiences across video platforms, set up a meeting to get your hands on the full report.