Engaging IT Decision-makers for Carbonite + Norbella


Information Technology





The Challenge

Carbonite, a leader in data protection, worked with its media agency, Norbella, to craft a compelling video campaign outlining how Carbonite helps businesses protect their data. To maximize the impact of their video strategy, the brand and agency sought a technology partner that could find and engage their core audience of IT decision-makers in unique ways across YouTube and optimize the campaign at scale for improved performance over time.


The Strategy

Carbonite and its agency turned to Pixability and its award-winning video platform to drive its video strategy on YouTube. The PixabilityOne platform enabled the brand and agency to find the precise targeting elements that drive performance, and optimized these granular elements in-flight to maximize impact — in total, the platform performed 5.2K optimizations throughout the campaign to ensure that the brand’s video dollars were going further.

The Result

Fully optimized by Pixability, the campaign made a deep impact on its core audience of IT decision-makers. Pixability achieved a 2X higher view-to-completion rate than benchmarks on YouTube, and a 4X higher click-through rate than benchmarks. In addition, Carbonite and Norbella could confirm Pixability’s outsized impact through a Google Brand Lift Study, which highlighted that the campaign drove an 18% lift in brand awareness.


higher click-through rate than benchmarks


higher view-to-completion rate than benchmarks

Want to learn more?

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