H/L Partners With Pixability To Drive Cost-Efficient Clicks & Store Visits With YouTube Contextual Segments

“Pixability gives me the confidence to know we’re doing everything proactively to eliminate YouTube off target impressions and spend our client’s money appropriately and effectively to build trust.”

Jeremy Cobb,

VP of Digital Platforms


Food and Beverage


CTV, YouTube

The Challenge

McDonald’s of Florida tasked their agency, H/L, with driving clicks and in-store sales among non-residents visiting Florida. H/L previously leveraged another third-party vendor to curate inventory for their campaigns, as well as standard YouTube behavioral targeting. However, they felt campaign performance was lacking and wanted to drive more cost-efficient clicks. To help them accomplish their goals, H/L tested Pixability’s Contextual Segments (PCS) against their current approach.

The Strategy

The Pixability team mixed art and science to compile a custom Contextual Segment to drive cost-efficient clicks and increase visits to McDonald’s locations. To do so, we leveraged historical campaign data and contextual findings from our recent Food & Beverage study to curate inventory that performs well for Food & Drink advertisers while also focusing on content that travelers are most likely to watch (Style & Fashion, Music & Audio, Travel, Food & Drink, etc.). Pixability’s self-service model integrated into H/L’s current workflow, as the H/L team activated Pixability Contextual Segments in Google Ads with niche geotargeting within Florida to reach visitors near key McDonald’s locations.

The Result

The result was a $.30 more efficient CPM than the campaign overall with 50% of campaign clicks being delivered by Pixability Contextual Segments ad group compared to agency behavioral breakout. The campaign also resulted in 3 new H/L campaigns from a new brand utilizing Pixability Contextual Segments due to strong test performance.


More Efficient CPM


Campaign Clicks By PCS Ad Group


New Campaigns

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