Prost! Boston’s Media Scene Takes Over Night Shift Lovejoy Wharf for Oktoberfest
As we head directly into Q4, the digital media busy season is upon us. To celebrate the changing season, and for a quick breather before jumping into Q4, Pixability took over the newly-launched Night Shift Brewery Lovejoy Wharf for Oktoberfest, and invited media folks from across Boston.
Despite the weather threatening to wash away the West End, planners and buyers from Boston’s finest agencies showed up to share a round, and talk shop about what’s working and what’s not in digital media.
With the media buying season in full swing with 2020 planning and final Q4 prep, many talked candidly about their digital buying challenges. Performance was a top concern, and so was brand safety. Unsurprisingly, maximizing efficiencies also turned up as a top challenge for the modern marketer. And of course, people had a lot to say about the weather — everyone who turned up had to brave the rain coming down sideways before they got to Night Shift!
Marketers know there’s an opportunity to reach a massive audience on major video platforms like YouTube, but it’s important to focus on engaging the right audience within suitable contexts, and for a good return on investment. It’s understandable that marketers want to know what’s working, and in a brand-suitable environment, so they can get the most impact for their media spend. With these challenges in mind, they’re looking to test out new video ad technologies that can overcome these challenges through built-in brand suitability and advanced targeting solutions.
With a White Claw shortage threatening the United States, many buyers and planners tried out Night Shift’s equivalent: the Lemon-Lime Seltzer. Lovejoy Wharf features a small brewhouse on-site, and it’s where the brewery experiments and perfects its latest offerings — judging by what folks were ordering, the Seltzer seemed to be a hit (if not entirely on-theme with Oktoberfest…).
Thanks to all the digital media folks that joined us for Oktoberfest — we hope to see you again soon at another Pixability event!
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