Why you need more than a band-aid for brand suitability

No CMO wants to wake up and see their brand called out in the press for serving ads against unsavory content. Ensuring brand safety is rightfully a top priority for digital marketers, but more often than not, it’s framed as a simple black and white issue. But it’s far from a binary. Marketers must change the conversation to a more nuanced understanding of brand appropriateness, evaluating the specific video environments and content categories that their individual brand should — and shouldn’t — appear against. After all, video contexts that are suitable for Mountain Dew aren’t necessarily appropriate for Versace.
There’s no denying that social video platforms are where brands must be to reach relevant audiences at scale, but marketers need to keep up with the dynamic nature of these platforms. Nearly 5 billion hours of video are uploaded to YouTube each day, and rapidly evolving user-generated content and breaking news can upend even the most carefully planned video campaigns. Take Tide’s recent struggles or the Logan Paul controversy, for example.
But brand safety is achievable on YouTube, and now is not the time for advertisers to retreat from the platform.
To help marketers ensure their video campaigns are brand-suitable, Pixability gives advertisers flexibility to meet the level of brand appropriateness that they require — without sacrificing performance or scale. Pixability’s unique solution uses a 5-point scorecard to comprehensively measure and quantify brand suitability, which is customizable per campaign. The scorecard includes third-party measurement of viewability, non-human traffic, and video completion quality via MOAT, and measurement of the entire campaign placement list via Pixability’s proprietary artificial intelligence technology. These are layered on top of Google’s always-on brand safety measures.
While other brand suitability solutions offer limited whitelists of approved channels for advertisers to run ads against, Pixability’s solution covers over 7.8 million YouTube channels, includes always-on in-flight optimizations for brand suitability and video performance, and is customizable to every campaign.
Backed by Pixability, CMOs can sleep soundly knowing their brand’s ads will appear in exclusively brand-appropriate contexts. Check out our press release to learn more, and watch the video below to understand how you should be approaching brand suitability, and why DependAbility is the solution you need to overcome your brand suitability challenges.