Here’s When Audiences Are Turning To The Digital Video Powerhouses

In Pixability’s third annual report on the state of digital video advertising, our analysts found that audiences continue to turn to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter throughout the day. However, our research shows that distinct consumer viewing patterns have emerged as consumers look to each platform during specific moments.
Facebook and Instagram see a relatively stable viewership throughout the day, but consumers tend to turn to these platforms during primetime — likely for entertainment and to share content around their favorite shows. YouTube also sees a strong viewership during primetime, but its viewership peaks at 4pm. Twitter sees its largest viewership during the morning — between 8-9am — as consumers turn to the platform during their daily commute.
Depending on their campaign goals, marketers should build their video strategy around consumer viewing habits. By dayparting campaigns — segmenting ad groups by time of day — marketers can drive reach during hours of high viewership, maintain reach throughout the day, or engage consumers during moments that are critical to their business objectives. For example, a food and beverage brand marketer would be wise to daypart their campaigns, and adjust budgets to aggressively target consumers that are viewing content during or before mealtimes.
For more of Pixability’s analysis on video ad performance and audience behavior across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, download our third annual report on the state of digital video advertising.